It's always an honor to be asked to react to major news, like last nights Presidential Debate - perhaps the worst in history. While many on Wall Street won't want to step into that discussion, I have no fear laying out my game plan going forward - and it hasn't changed.

Last night proved to the American public and investors that going into November, we may have an answer on November 3rd and this could get dragged out for weeks and weeks. I’ve been saying for the past several weeks it’s going to be an opportunity for investors to take advantage of that downward volatility. It’s a phenomenal opportunity for people to start buying that weakness. Because ultimately, we’re going to move forward.

And if that doesn't happen? Well, it was a good move to get neutral weighted last week on the correction that nobody seemed to want to buy - funny considering all people could talk about it over the last few months was buying on a dip. Then when the dip happens, people freeze.